Controlled Flight – Support and ratings – Updates

Controlled Flight - Coordinate systems
Controlled Flight - Coordinate systems

Controlled Flight have now had some sales on the Unity Asset Store. Fun! ?

Hopefully people are happy with it. It would really help if everyone leaves a rating and review in the Asset Store. Both if you are happy with the functionality and also if you are not!

If there are any problems, let us know here. Most problems can be fixed within a day. You may get a preliminary fix sent to you before it will be published in the Asset Store. Publishing in the Asset Store can often take a few days.

Feature requests are also welcomed! Use the same form, or mail.

A small update of the asset will be published within a few days:

  • Handling smaller issues regarding robustness when the components are used in ways that are not intended.
  • The package size will be reduced significantly by removing unused textures.
  • The Launcher component will also have an improved inspector for use in the Unity Editor.
  • Added possibility to automatically destroy the object if time limit is reached.
  • Buttons are added in the components for simpler testing. The buttons can be used for launching, loading, etc… when in play mode in the Unity Editor.